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CIU: Game Changer

This Trimester in CIU James Reynolds, Purvesh Mehta and Myself have started to create a project that challenges violence within the media. James has taken it upon himself to create all the artwork in a '8Bit' fashion, leaving the Happy Theme upon myself to create.

Below is the brief concept along with all media content created.


"Game Changer is an interactive, story driven “choose your own adventure” style video game. It aims to explore the ever evolving argument of how violent video games might or might not affect the development of violent tendencies in people. Set in the nostalgic bliss of the early 70’s, a normal day in the life of our perfect character could change dramatically when faced with the choice of which video game he plays after school. WIll he pick an innocent racing or platformer game or something with a much more sinister message? Our aim was to provide commentary on the issue through over-the-top parody and satire. While a solution may not be found for a long time we hope that we, through using the engaged media of video games and comedy, provide people an outlook that they might not have originally considered."

Theme Songs:

Happy Scene:

Violent Scene:

Main Artwork:

Itch.Io Mock Up:

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